Germany Fine Dining News – Michelin generous with stars – Gault Millau crowns new Chef of the year

It’s that time of the year again when all restaurants in the World are being rated anew. In Germany, the two most important guides, Michelin and Gault Millau just published their new books, awarding many new stars and points to chefs all over the country.

Now there have been many blog posts about it, but as far as I can tell, there was none in English. So I thought it might be useful to wrap-up the essence of it for the international crowd. Continue reading

2005 Château Boyd-Cantenac, Margaux – Update


Here’s a quick update on Château Boyd-Cantenac from Margaux out of the blockbuster vintage 2005. It’s a 3rd Grand Cru Classé which I haven’t tasted for about 3 years. My last posts about it can be found here and here.

For the occasion of a homemade steak dinner I thought it would be an appropriate bottle and a good opportunity to check on its current state.
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The wine has always be kind of open and I actually wondered if would ever close down for a few years. Continue reading

Tippling Club, Singapore

After having had a huge load of street Food in Malaysia, we agreed on a saturday evening it was time again to indulge some fine dining and at the same time test the Singaporean gastro-scene. We quickly decided on Tippling Club whose google results, depicting a modern take on food, cocktails and restaurant design spontaneously inspired us.

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Eighties Bordeaux Tasting


When wine geeks think of the Eighties, it’s not only Madonna, Top Gun or Miami Vice coming to their minds, but also the rise of modern winemaking in Bordeaux concurring with such great vintages like ’82 ’85 ’86 or ’89.

Thus, tasting some wines from that decade is always something special and I was thrilled when Oskar invited me to his round of friends when he was once again sacrificing some of his treasuries he had gathered over the years. It hurts him just a little bit, but it is certainly for a great moment of fun. Continue reading

Aged Bordeaux Grand Crus: My Blind Tasting of the Year!

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Blind Tastings are supposed to be the essence of this website and yet, it happens that none occurs for very long periods of time. Hence I felt somehow relieved when we finally found a date that worked for all of us and the topic was rather secondary at first.
But then Oskar told me he wanted to make it a special tasting and that he’ll take care of the bottles. I could easily live with that, and laid back in awaitance of some decent wines. Continue reading

2001 Château Marquis de Terme, Margaux


Zur Feier des Tages gab es vor kurzem einen 8 jährigen Margaux vom Marquis de Terme, einem 4ème Grand Cru Classé nach der Klassifikation von 1855. Auf der Website des Château ist folgendes über den Jahrgang 2001 zu lesen:

Vendanges le 27 septembre. Nez fin et délicat, assez puissant et complexe épicé avec des notes de cassis et cerise. Attaque fruitée. En milieu de bouche, le goût devient réglissé avec une touche de violette. Finale longue, savoureuse, très finement boisée.

Hier nun gleich meine Eindrücke. Continue reading