2008 Exogyra Virgula Sauvignon Blanc, Domaine Goisot, Saint-Bris


Exogyra Virgula! What sounds like an exceptional name also is an exceptional wine. And what could be bigger of an exception than Sauvignon Blanc from Chablis? Well, technically speaking it isn’t Chablis, but rather the small appelation Saint-Bris which lies just next to Chablis and has probably been created for the sole purpose to allow Sauvignon Blanc within this Chardonnay reigned area. Continue reading

2007 “Montmains”, Chablis 1er Cru, William Fèvre


I still remember my military service times where I was employed in a mixed French and German unit, part of the Eurocorps. The main raison d’être of this unit was of course to intensify cooperation and friendship between France and Germany and as a part of this truly European spirit our small company once headed to Chablis in France. Officialy, to visit and inspect an equipment depot of ours which was located in the area; but in reality, we concentrated on indulging some French savoir-vivre, feasting on French Baguette and Pâté while trying some Chablis. Needless to say, this was more a carousal rather than a sophisticated wine tasting and on our way back, the slide door of our military VW bus had to be opened a few times.
But still, this was probably my first real encounter with Chablis and also with the notion of Terroir: a winemaker showed us the fossilized shells for which the soils are famous. Continue reading

1999 Fixin “Les Arvelets” 1er Cru, Domaine Berthaut


Das neue Jahr braucht gute Vorsätze und natürlich auch in Sachen Wein. Mehr entdecken und Kenntnisse vertiefen sind die Stichworte für den Blind Tasting Club. Spontan fällt mir da unter anderen eine Region ein die es besonders betrifft: Das Burgund. Bisher war es für mich immer eine Region in der Überraschungen und Enttäuschungen sehr nah beinander lagen und der Preis kein guter Indikator für Qualität ist. Und auch vor kurzem konnte mir ein Corton Grand Cru der Hospices des Beaunes weder den Glanz noch die Gloria vermitteln für die er eigentlich steht. Da wäre ein Silberstreif am Horizont jetzt eigentlich ganz angebracht, so zur Ermutigung. Continue reading

Weinbars: Grand Cru Weinrestaurant Frankfurt


Viel Gutes wurde schon über diese frankfurter Weinbar geschrieben, und nun kann ich mich dem nach meinem ersten Besuch im Grand Cru anschliessen: Leckeres Essen, tolle Weinauswahl und eine Atmosphäre die an elegante Pariser Bistros und gemütliche französische Weinbars erinnert, zaubern Weinfreaks und Gourmets ein Lächeln ins Gesicht. Continue reading

Gästehaus Klaus Erfort *** – Perfection in Saarbrücken


Gästehaus Klaus Erfort is maybe not located in the middle of the most fantastic neighbourhood of Saarbrücken. But, stuck in between a tenement and a gas station one finds a beautiful white mansion with a modern extension on the side accomodating the kitchen. From the street, one can observe the chefs through a glass window. Once we passed the entrance, we were directed to the back of the mansion where a quite unique terrasse is located. There you have the most beautiful view on a huge garden with endless lawn and a tiny pavilion on the side. Quite a contrast to the street side of the house and a perfect setting for apéritifs. Continue reading

Old Burgundies Tasting


Damn it was really time for a wine tasting! Especially when I think of some old wines in the cellar which aren’t getting younger anymore and begged to be drunk! We agreed on old Burgundies as the central topic and assembled some 5 bottles, one of them being a Rhône wine actually, but no drama, it’s not that far away anyway.


For a start I opened a 1959 German white with ripped off label, hence some kind of surprise wine. When I bought this bottle very cheaply on Ebay I relied on the aura of the bombastic 1959 vintage which brought up some fantastic wines throughout Europe. And Since our first red Burgundy would be a 1959 too, I thought that would be the opportunity to open it.
We weren’t disapponted: It had a shiny golden colour with a touch of orange, a slightly nut-like nose without any age note, which is impressive for a wine that old. On the palate it was Continue reading