Spanish Reds Blind Tasting 2009 (ex Rioja & Ribera)

You and I know it; this blog calling itself a blind tasting blog recently generated far too many posts about food stalls and other dispensable topics digressing far away from the serious duty it bears to throw light on the successful and less successful outcomes of the art of winemaking. Yuck :=) … What I actually wanted to say is that it was really time again for a post justifying the name of this blog. And luckily it occurred that our friend Nick offered to host a blind tasting of Spanish red wines. There were 2 simple rules to follow: the bottles shouldn’t stem from any of the 2 main wine regions (Rioja and Ribera) and they shouldn’t be too old. No problem! Offer accepted! Naturally, as abiding by the official wine tasting protocol, all the bottles were properly covered and mixed before the tasting, thus allowing a fair comparison.


2002 Vietor y Leon Reserva, Valdepenas – Beautiful and brilliant colour. Nose is rather discrete, first only some hints of spice, later some plum fruit but never really getting intensive. Palate starts with light vanilla a.k.a. traces of barrel wood, goes on with Continue reading

Spanish Reds Blind Tasting

After many weeks we finally gathered again for a genuine blind tasting round. This means that we agreed on a topic – Spanish Reds from the nineties on – and then covered the labels. The big guessing fun game could begin.


Our first wine was at the same time the oldest of five bottles. We all guessed that. In fact it had a rather light red colour with a slight brown hue at the edges. The 1995 Medina Del Campo from Valcruzal was at best medium bodied. Its taste was Continue reading

Random Red Wines with Oskar


It was time again for a nice red wine evening. We didn’t have a real topic and gathered some random bottles of red wine from 1972 to 1997.
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Here are the notes:

1972 Gigondas, Henri de Villamont

We started with this old Gigondas. Luckily we had no problem with the cork. In the glass it had a nice although slightly blurry red colour. In the nose a little age note with cellar and mushroom. On the palate, lively acidity which probably kept this wine alive. Yet it still appeared balanced and was nicely drinkable but had a rather short finish.
83-85 Continue reading

Spanische Rotweine von Oskar

Hier ein paar Notizen zu verschiedenen (verschieden Herkünfte, verschiedene Jahrgänge) spanischen Rotweinen, die wir an einem netten Abend probiert haben:

Senorio de Sarria Reserva 1989, Navarra

Ausgeglichene Nase mit leichten Vanilletönen, sowie Kirsche und erdige Noten. Sehr schöne Länge. Erinnert in seiner ausgewogenen, runden Art eher an einen Burgunder als an einen Bordeaux.

Casa de la Vina Reserva 1990, Valdepenas

Dieser Wein wird hauptsächlich aus der Cencibel-Rebe (ein anderer Name für Tempranillo)gekeltert. Er hat im Glas eine schöne dunkle Farbe. Sein Bukett wirkt leicht verschlossen. Am Gaumen fallen einem als erstes die vielen Tannine auf, die aber schön mit dem Wein verschmolzen sind. Anschliessend zeigt der Wein eine schöne beerige Frucht, überwiegend nach Himbeere schmeckend. Continue reading