Shu Mai, now!

Dieser Mark Bittman hat wirklich das Talent kochabläufe sehr einfach und prägnant darzustellen. Ausserdem mag ich per se seine schlichte und direkte Art. An diesem einfachen Rezept für Wantan würde ich mich am liebsten sofort selbst versuchen. Leider fehlt mir heute die Zeit, deshalb poste ich es nun hier, sozusagen als Merkzettel.

Categories: Food

“Blood Into Wine” in theatres soon


I first thought that Finkus Bripp was the only rock star in the wine world. Yesterday though I got hold of a movie trailer that could well fit into that same wine with rock n roll “niche”. “Blood Into Wine” – coming to theaters from February 19th on – tells the story of former rockstar Maynard James Keenan who is one of the pioneers of winemaking in Arizona. I thought for making a movie about one man and wine this must be one hell of a guy and indeed his description on Wikipedia is kinda interesting. I quote:

Keenan has a reputation for being reclusive, elliptical and controlling of his public image. He dislikes the manner in which rock stars are worshipped, and at one point carried business cards with the name “Jesus H. Christ” printed on them. Often having to deal with stalkers, Keenan has resorted to using a paintball rifle to run trespassing fans from his property. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is one of Keenan’s pursuits, and he studied under Rickson Gracie, who is widely considered one of the martial art’s greatest practitioners.

But besides himself and his partner Eric Glomski, quite a bunch of stars are participating in this movie including the charming Milla Jovovich and the funny Patton Oswalt. For us wine geeks, one of the big authorities – wine Pope James Suckling– has an appearance as himself in the movie.
Here’s the trailer:

Categories: News

Anti-Knigge für Anfänger

Gutes Benehmen im Gourmet Tempel? Bud Spencer und Terence Hill machen’s uns in ihrem Klassiker 4 Fäuste für ein Halleluja vor.

“Bud Spencer Filme” waren meine absoluten Lieblingsfilme als ich 10 war… Jedoch hoffe ich, daß sie nicht zusehr auf mich abgefärbt haben.

Interessant find ich übrigens, daß der Ober einen Bourgogne Rosé anbietet, dieser jedoch rot ins Glas fließt (3. min). Ist wohl aber eh besser so.

Categories: Misc

Steven Segal shows us how it works with the Vino…

…actually he shows us how she works with the Vino. Ridiculous!

Categories: Misc

Gordon Ramsay challenges Matt Skinner

On the internets most popular video rummage table I found this excerpt of a Gordon Ramsay show (“the f word”), where the famous chef challenges Matt Skinner -that is Jamie Oliver’s sommelier wine guy -to blind taste a few bottles. From a German perspective this is a painful scene since a cheapo bottle of blue nun represents our country here, what a pity! (But on the other hand isn’t every big wine country represented with 1 or 2 such wines on the supermarket shelves? Think of JP Chenet for France for example.)
But a moment later though, Matt Skinner could’nt identify a 1992 Petrus as a great wine, argueing it might be corked. So at least our Blue Nun gets a small revenge since in the end it had the better price quality ratio! “Sweet revenge” would be the adequate words here! …And risk/return probably the more adequate ratio. BTW, do Châteaux’ like Petrus actually replace corked bottles? Would be curious to know…
The winner of this tasting seems to be a 1998 Penfolds Grange, which still costs 500 GBPs btw. What a nice set-up: an Australian wine writer challenged to recognize the green green grass of home, I mean the red red shiraz of home of course… I would love to be challenged with such wines by the way!

Categories: Misc

Château Badewanne

Nicht zum Nachmachen: Wie braue ich meinen eigenen Barolo? Eins von vielen Videos zum Thema Home Winemaking…

Nachdem selbstgebrautes Bier, auch als Badewannenbier (nicht zu verwechseln hiermit) bekannt, schon eine relative Popularität in den USA erreicht hat, gibt es nun auch die ersten Kits für die heimische Weinpanscherei Read the rest of this entry »

Categories: Misc,News