Mainzer Weinbörse 2012 – ein erster Blick auf den Jahrgang 2011

Nun war es wieder soweit. Das Top-Event des Jahres für deutsche Weine, die Mainzer Weinbörse des VDP ist über die Bühne gegangen. Die Winzer präsentieren hier jährlich vor allem ihre neuen Weine des letzten Jahrgangs, also in diesem Fall von 2011.

Und obwohl 2011 schon so viele Vorschusslorbeeren erhalten hat, bestimmt zu recht, ist es für mich definitiv kein einfach zu beurteilender Jahrgang. Da waren 2008, 2009 und 2010 irgendwie viel eindeutiger, denn die Kernaussagen hatten wohl viel mehr tragweite. Read the rest of this entry »

Magnificent Magnums for New Year Part 1 – 2009 Blauer Silvaner, Zehnthof Luckert, Franken


Last year on the first of January, we opened a magnum bottle of Rheingau Riesling – it was a First Growth – and realized how beautiful those wines can age in such big containers. Plus, it’s quite a festive manner to drink and a good way to start the new year with a big bang.

So I decided to repeat the experience this year, and I think this ritual has good chances to become a tradition for the years to come.  As many friends were expected for a late brunch with pizza, quiche and lentil soup, I opened 4 magnums of German white wine. Of course, to variate pleasures, I opted for 4 different styles and 3 different varietals.

We started with a magnum-bottle from Franconia, the German wine region probably most known for its Silvaner wines (although in quantity, Rheinhessen produces most of this varietal). Silvaner used to have a reputation for being a simple and overly fruity wine that pleased grandmothers and should be drunk fast, but there are now more and more specimen that could be qualified as premium dry white wine, with traits only such wines can have. Read the rest of this entry »

Categories: Franken,Germany