Mainzer Weinbörse (Symbolbild aus den Vorjahren)
Alle Jahre wieder lockt die Weinbörse – DAS Event, wenn es um hochwertige deutsche Weine geht und um eine erste Bewertung des neuen Jahrgangs. Letztere entpuppt sich wie immer als sehr schwierig, da viele Weine noch in einem sehr jugendlichem Stadium sind, zum Teil noch als unfiltrierte Fassproben eingeschenkt werden, oder gar noch im Weingut liegen und Blubbern.
Dementsprechend fällt mein erstes Urteil zum 2012er Jahrgang bewusst vage aus: Mein Eindruck war, dass wir uns irgendwo zwischen 2011 und 2010 bewegen, wobei in manchen Gebieten, bei manchen Winzern die schlanken, rassigen Weine überwiegen, bei anderen die Frucht eine größere Rolle spielt. Eine vitale Säure findet sich aber in fast allen Weinen. Read the rest of this entry »
Just a day after that VDP wine auction for the Rheingau region, I returned to Kloster Eberbach for the big public presentation of 2010 Great Growth wines of all VDP member estates. Since I missed previous opportunities to taste these wines, I was more than happy to attend this brilliant event.
The 2010 vintage didn’t have an easy start as numerous media already condemned it as a sour (white) wine vintage at a time when harvest wasn’t even fully brought in. And it’s true that for many of the estate’s basic Rieslings, qualities are rather heterogenous. For the Great Growths however, I read more and more opinons that are highly praising this new vintage, even putting it above last year’s great success. Read the rest of this entry »
For many lovers of German Rieslings… err I mean for all folks of the trade that love German Riesling this is probably the event of the year.
All VDP estates are gathering in the Rheingoldhalle in Mainz and present their new collection to a public of journalists and professionals. The focus is on the entry and mid level wines since most of the top level wines are still bubbling in the cellars. Read the rest of this entry »
Blurry outside-view of Tigerpalast
Once again I had the opportunity to attend a First Growth presentation of VDP; this time within the locality of Frankfurt Cabaret and Michelin-starred restaurant Tigerpalast. The represented regions were Rheingau, Franconia and Baden. I predominantly focused on the Rheingau trying to get a thorough view on the 2008 vintage there. Read the rest of this entry »