Homemade Bak Kut Teh – Photo Recipe Puzzle

Many of you might not be aware of a dish called Bak Kut Teh. The apparent reason for it might be that it is obviously a dish with an obscure Chinese name only a Chinese would know. The backdrop though is, that many of the billion Chinese on this earth might not even know it for the simple reason that this is one of the Chinese dishes that actually stems from the multicultural country Malaysia. In fact the 3 main cultural groups in Malaysia: the Malay, the Indians and the Chinese all adapted, modified and developed the cuisine of their home countries, creating new dishes that account for the richness and variety of today’s Malaysian gastronomy.

So what is Bak Kut Teh? Bak Kut Teh literally means Meat Bone Tea (in “Hokkien” dialect) and is actually a very intense pork soup made with various spices. It comes of course with the pork meat and on the side one eats white rice, Chinese greens, chunks of fried dough called You Tiao or simply “ghost”, as well as minced garlic and chilies that you can mix into the broth.

I already reported once on a well known Bak Kut Teh restaurant in Kuala Lumpur which made me discover the dish. On my recent visit of the country (my brother lives there) though, our friend Waiyee offered to prepare this dish for us. Here’s the photo story of it. Hopefully it is in the right order and my little explanations are correct.

Bak Kut Teh pot
First one needs a nice big pot filled with water

Bak Kut Teh spice bag
Then, probably the hardest to get ingredient outside of Malaysia are those special Bak Kut Teh Spices. Some of them are already premixed in special teabags.
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Khong Lock Yuen’s “Bak Kut Teh” in Kuala Lumpur


Bak Kut Teh, which literally means Meat Bone Tea (in “Hokkien” dialect) is a Chinese Soup but which is most common and popular at foodstalls in Malaysia and Singapore where it has found a honouring and hungry foodie crowd that allowed the settling and development of this specialty. Continue reading

Ngau Kee Famous Beef Noodles Kuala Lumpur


Obviously there is no modesty in the name choice of this Kuala Lumpur food stall in the Bukit Bintang area (Tengkat ton Shin street to be precise). You might mistrust this promise of a good dining experience if you see it for the first time considering the rather dirty location in a red light district area.
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Restaurant Lam Frères, Frankfurt


Dem frankfurter Bahnhofsviertel haftet schon immer einerseits ein schmuddeliges Rotlicht- und ein düsteres Drogenmilieu-Image an, aber es ist gleichzeitig auch bekannt als der Schmelztiegel der Kulturen schlechthin in Frankfurt. Dies ist auch beim gastronomischen Angebot erkennbar; Hier reihen sich orientalische, balkanische und asiatische Imbisse sowie urdeutsche Bahnhofskneipen einander. Beim Anblick so mancher Räumlichkeiten fühlt man sich gar förmlich in andere Breitengrade versetzt: Indische Schnellrestaurants mit knallgelben Currys in den Auslagen wie in Mumbai, Marokkanische Teehäuser vor denen Greise auf Hockern sitzend den Abend ausklingen lassen wie in Agadir, libanesische Restaurants vor denen gemütlich Shishas geraucht werden wie in Dubai. Continue reading