There are flavour combinations that can not fail. Veal with sage, Parma ham, white wine and cream is such a one. No wonder it’s a classic in Italian cuisine: it is known there under the name Involtini alla Romana, where involtini means roll. But a better known name for this combination of ingredients is Saltimbocca alla Romana. The main difference there is that the veal is laid out flat like a Schnitzel and not rolled.
Well, anyhow, Involtini has also become a recurring dish in our kitchen. Not only because of the killer flavours, but simply because it is easy and quick to make, actually something you wouldn’t expect from a dish tasting that good! Your guests might think you were standing in the kitchen for 3 hours to yield such flavours. Here’s my quick photo report recipe:
Involtini alla Romana
“Took a bullet”-Kolumne: Aldi TK Ente (à l’Orange)!
Diese Kolumne ist aus schierem Hunger entstanden. Als ich vor einigen Tagen mit knurrendem Magen die Speisekammern nach etwas fleischigem durchsucht habe, fand ich als einzig Verwertbares diese verkümmerte halbe Aldi Tiefkühl-Ente die schon einige Wochen oder Monate im Eisfach lag. Praktisch, da sie schon in der Alu Wanne lag und nur eine halbe Stunde bei 200 °C in den Ofen musste, aber irgendwie auch angsteinflössend… Read the rest of this entry »
Shu Mai, now!
Dieser Mark Bittman hat wirklich das Talent kochabläufe sehr einfach und prägnant darzustellen. Ausserdem mag ich per se seine schlichte und direkte Art. An diesem einfachen Rezept für Wantan würde ich mich am liebsten sofort selbst versuchen. Leider fehlt mir heute die Zeit, deshalb poste ich es nun hier, sozusagen als Merkzettel.
Homemade Bak Kut Teh – Photo Recipe Puzzle
Many of you might not be aware of a dish called Bak Kut Teh. The apparent reason for it might be that it is obviously a dish with an obscure Chinese name only a Chinese would know. The backdrop though is, that many of the billion Chinese on this earth might not even know it for the simple reason that this is one of the Chinese dishes that actually stems from the multicultural country Malaysia. In fact the 3 main cultural groups in Malaysia: the Malay, the Indians and the Chinese all adapted, modified and developed the cuisine of their home countries, creating new dishes that account for the richness and variety of today’s Malaysian gastronomy.
So what is Bak Kut Teh? Bak Kut Teh literally means Meat Bone Tea (in “Hokkien” dialect) and is actually a very intense pork soup made with various spices. It comes of course with the pork meat and on the side one eats white rice, Chinese greens, chunks of fried dough called You Tiao or simply “ghost”, as well as minced garlic and chilies that you can mix into the broth.
I already reported once on a well known Bak Kut Teh restaurant in Kuala Lumpur which made me discover the dish. On my recent visit of the country (my brother lives there) though, our friend Waiyee offered to prepare this dish for us. Here’s the photo story of it. Hopefully it is in the right order and my little explanations are correct.
First one needs a nice big pot filled with water
Then, probably the hardest to get ingredient outside of Malaysia are those special Bak Kut Teh Spices. Some of them are already premixed in special teabags.
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Best Curry Ever – Photo Recipe Puzzle !
Aqil made a delicious “British Curry” as he calls it.
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I don’t remember all steps and ingredients but maybe you can figure it out from the pics.
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Hmm… Cumin seeds, cilantro, chilis, crushed garlic..
Yoghurt, Bay leafs… Read the rest of this entry »
“Freestyle” Leg of Lamb
This leg of lamb could as well be called Italian Style or Greek Style, or just Mediterranean Style I guess. Of course it is actually Leg of Lamb my way, but any time I do such kind of dishes I change some ingredient or deal with whatever Read the rest of this entry »