1986 Château Chasse Spleen, Moulis – Punktlandung nach 25 Jahren

Wenn man den Urteilen der Kritiker Glauben schenken darf, stellt 1986 einen der besten Chasse-SpleenJahrgänge (coole neue Webseite übrigens) des 20. Jahrhunderts dar. Eine einzige Flasche liegt schon seit Jahren im Keller – ein früherer eBay-Fund, der im Grunde nur auf die richtige Gelegenheit gewartet hat. Diese hat er dann rein zufällig auch gefunden. Grundlos griff ich zunächst nach dieser Flasche, mit dem Continue reading

2000 Château Chasse-Spleen – nearly there!

Another one from that case, the first Bordeaux primeur I bought in my life, together with my brother. Back then, a very big deal, a big investment for young Economics students and I had to convince my brother that this was THE thing to do with our tiny savings. It worked out… And since the case of Chasse-Spleen 2000 was delivered in 2003, we opened a bottle from time to time, as this is one of the purposes of a case of Bordeaux: follow the evolution of the wine and slowly await its prime. Once every 1 or 2 years is a good rhythm for this ritual and this last Christmas it was again time. Continue reading

2005 Primeur bargains – what have they become? a look at Maucaillou, Pedesclaux and D’Aurilhac


Now with all the fuss of an ultra-slow “campaign” the 2010 Bordeaux Primeurs prices are finally all out and as everyone expected, they’e shockingly high and for most of the Châteaux’ they even top the already über-expensive 2009 vintage.

And of course, how else could it be, 2010 is announced as another so called vintage of the century, and will be cited in the same breath as 2000, 2005 and 2009. Now it is clear that after having blustered about the prices, every true wine lover is at least tempted to participate in such a perfect vintage he reads so many fabulous things about.

But unless you’re a millionaire you’ll try to plot the perfect plan for maximizing your investment (meaning in terms of pleasure for your palate). And the adage that naturally comes to one’s mind is ” in great vintages, buy the lesser Chateaux’ “.

And in order to shed some light on this strategy, I took a look at the current state of 3 smaller-priced estates’ 2005 vintage ( “…of the century”). In fact, as within the current 2010 campaign, there were also in 2005 many Châteaux selling their wines at a great discount compared to the big names and I bought a few of these  hoping to get some of the 2005 bling for little bucks. Now, 6 years later, I am curious on how this strategy worked out and what I actually got for my bucks. The outcome might give an indication of what to expect from equally offered bargains of 2010 and who knows, maybe some more interesting conclusions can be made? Continue reading

Some more Christmas Wines

Already 2011 and I’m still talking about Christmas Wines. But of course there are valid reasons for this delay: 1) Those are busy days spent in the kitchen and with friends 2) the number of bottles indulged in that time are “above average” . So here are a few more wines from the Christmas holidays.


2009 Hubacker GG, Weingut Keller – This Riesling from a great terroir and vintage is still a baby. Of course I knew that before I uncorked it, but sometimes curiosity wins. Acidity is still to the fore right now but a long decant somewhat helps. Still, the wine feels tight at first, like a thin steel bullet with lots of minerality. But fruit comes up more with each sip: Peach and later some wild herbs are a nice composition. Incredible how slim and at the same time compact and flavour-loaded this wine appears. Lots of substance, nice presence on the palate and oh what a great length. Empties itself on its own but will be an even greater wine in 2-3 years time! ++
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Random Bottles Wine Tasting

Sometimes you just meet up with friends for a wine tasting without having a particular plan or theme. You just start with one bottle and pick the next one according to the moods, the appetites and desires of everyone.
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This was such a tasting:

The 2007 Deidesheimer Grosse Hohl GG by Mosbacher is a powerful Riesling. Vibrant and musculous, yet with enough fruit and a beautiful acidity to balance it. Nice presence and nice length. Able to compete within Germany’s Riesling top league.
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2004 Château Maucaillou, Moulis-en-Médoc, Bordeaux


Château Maucaillou ist vielleicht der kleinere der 3 bekannten Cru Bourgeois in dieser überschaubaren Médoc-Appelation (auch hier), wobei die 2 größeren Chasse-Spleen und Poujeaux sein müßten. Alle 3 Châteaux werden aber öfter dafür gelobt Weine zu produzieren die an Grand Cru Niveau heranreichen, und sogar regelmässig so manche 5ème GCC in den Schatten stellen. (Chasse-Spleen und Poujeaux sind nicht umsonst auch als Crus Bourgeois „Exceptionnels“ klassifiziert). Die Idee war heute den 2004er und 2005er gegenüberzustellen, aber leider hatte der 2005er wohl etwas dagegen. Aber nun erst mal zum 2004er. Continue reading