Die Prowein: Verkostungszonen, Weindiagramme, Expertisen, Hallen, Hallen, Hallen voll mit Wein. Der Overkill an Eindrücken. Aber es hat viel Spaß gemacht. Ein paar wenige gemischte Eindrücke habe ich hier gesammelt: Continue reading
Tag Archives: Minervois
2006 Rosé, Château Coupe-Roses, Minervois
If you ever happen to be in the South of France in the Languedoc Region, don’t miss out on drinking a fresh Rosé wine on a sunny terrasse. Basically all the light Rosés served at the brasseries and restaurants are good for relaxed and happy moments with friends.
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Wines with Easter-Lamb
For our Easter dinner, where we celebrated at the same time the homecoming of my brother Felix (his Malaysia weblog here, in German), we had some good lamb straight out of the oven. It wasn’t hard to come up with some wine matches here – Languedoc wines are always perfect with lamb in my opinion, and luckily we had some spare bottles from this wonderful region
1999 Domaine Ellul-Ferrières „Vielles Vignes“ VDP D’Oc
Dark red colour but not brilliant- somehow a rough unclear aspect. On the sides lighter with orange shades. Nice Rosemary and herbs nose at the beginning, also cherry fruit, a certain sweetness reminding German „ Mon chéri“ chocolates (dark chocolate with a cherry in alcohol inside). On the palate Continue reading