Weinsinn Restaurant and Wine Bar, Frankfurt (English)


A few weeks ago I wrote a post in German about a Frankfurt restaurant and wine-bar named Weinsinn. Luckily I had the chance to return to this small gem just shortly later. So this time I decided to report about it in English, confident that such a place deserves international attention and knowing that Frankfurt is a polyglot enough city. Read the rest of this entry »

Freestyle Half Double Blind Tasting with Friends


Last weekend was awesome! Together with some friends I was lucky to be welcomed by Didier from Vimpressionistes in a cosy holiday appartment in the beautiful village of Château Chalon in the Jura region of Eastern France. First of all, to finally meet his beautiful baby-daughter but of course also to indulge a memorable blindtasting.
But don’t expect a Vin Jaune or Savagnin tasting here. That evening was entirely devoted to Read the rest of this entry »
