ProWein 2013: Messe-Schnipsel

Die Prowein: Verkostungszonen, Weindiagramme, Expertisen, Hallen, Hallen, Hallen voll mit Wein. Der Overkill an Eindrücken. Aber es hat viel Spaß gemacht. Ein paar wenige gemischte Eindrücke habe ich hier gesammelt: Continue reading

Syrah Blind Tasting Session – A clash of styles!


I think the last blind tasting I took part was nearly half a year ago which is quite a shame considering the name of this blog. But last Saturday this dry spell finally ended when we gathered for an awesome blind-tasting around the varietal Syrah. An exciting topic about a noble grape that is probably at home in the Northern Rhône but is nowadays planted on every corner of the planet, and we opened not less than 15 bottles to cover all aspects of it. Next to all the usual suspects that participated in the tasting, it was also a particular pleasure to welcome fellow blogger Barry who I only recently met in person. So Here are my notes on the wines in the order of the tasting. Every 4 bottles we uncovered and compared notes. I must say there were quite some surprises, but also a few wines that matched clichés’. Continue reading

Funky Wine Layouts: Charles Smith Wines

2006_boom_boom 2006_chateau_smith

I have a thing for neat wine labels. I even admit here and now that they often play a much bigger role for me than the actual color of the wine. My brains logic: a cool label has been made by a cool guy from a cool winery and a cool guy can only make interesting wine.
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So I often surprise myself picking Continue reading