Restaurant La Vie***, Thomas Bühner brings wild and pure to your table in Osnabrück

Only today, already a few weeks after the dinner actually took place, I finally have the time to report about our meal at Restaurant La Vie in Osnabrück. In this small-sized German city in the Northern part of the country, Chef Thomas Bühner and his wife and  Maîtr D’, Thayarni  Kanagaratnam, have built up a gem of a restaurant, both regarding food and atmosphere. The premises are comprised within a listed Classisistic building in the heart of the town and the modern interior, also composed of warm tones with wood elements, is in perfect contrast and harmony with the architecture. When you enter the premises, you are warmly welcomed and instantly feel at home. Continue reading

1995 Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Spätlese, Dr. Loosen, Mosel


Die 1995er Wehlener Sonnenuhr Spätlese von Dr. Loosen Steht mit glänzender, fast goldener Farbe im Glas. In der Nase fällt sofort auf, dass eine dezente Firne ihren Weg in den Wein gefunden hat welche die Frucht scheinbar überdeckt, doch der Wein ist Anfangs auch viel zu kalt. Continue reading

1995 Cvne Reserva, Rioja


Die Farbe dieses CVNE erinnert an dunkles Ziegelrot, das aber zum Rand hin heller wird. Die Nase zeigt sich anfangs zwar beerig aber auch mit leicht portiger-madeirisierter Note.
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Nach einer halben Stunden verfliegt diese und der Wein riecht prall nach reifen Brombeeren und leicht nach Gewürzen wie Nelke und einer Prise Pfeffer. Continue reading

Spanish Reds Blind Tasting

After many weeks we finally gathered again for a genuine blind tasting round. This means that we agreed on a topic – Spanish Reds from the nineties on – and then covered the labels. The big guessing fun game could begin.


Our first wine was at the same time the oldest of five bottles. We all guessed that. In fact it had a rather light red colour with a slight brown hue at the edges. The 1995 Medina Del Campo from Valcruzal was at best medium bodied. Its taste was Continue reading

1995 Gallo Estate Cabernet, North Sonoma

A well-known rooster…

I always had, and still will have after that on bottle the image of a Gallo wine being an industrial supermarket wine.
It is so common to see this brand on the shelves everywhere, and many bring these wines to parties or gatherings, sometimes even me. The success of Gallo is based on the steady quality of industrially produced wine which evokes in each one of us the trust we can have in a brandname. Continue reading

Old Treasuries from Oskars cellar

It is always an occasion for great discoveries when Oskar announces he will come by and bring some wine. This time it was even more the case since he brought 4 bottles of old vintage wine and my knowledge about old wine is very limited, so I had an opportunity to learn a lot.

Domaine les Veilles 1979, Saint Ferdinand, Côtes du Rhône

Once poured in a glass you can see light brown shades on the brim witnessing the age of the wine. Nevertheless this Côtes du Rhône is still young on the palate. You can still taste the fire and wildness of a southern French wine in terms of alcohol. On the other hand 27 years have made this wine a very burgundy stile round wine with little tannins and perfect balance. You can smell and taste red fruits but there is no fruit attribute or flavour which someone could distinct in particular except maybe a little earthy taste. A nice discovery! Continue reading