Auberge du Pas de Vent in Pouillon, Pays Basque


Inspiration for this lunch stop on our way from Bordeaux to San Sebastian came from French Restaurant Blog Simon Says. I read this page a few months ago and when the time for planning our road trip came, it found its way back into my mind. I never checked on a map though where it was exactly and so it was a nice surprise when our GPS guided us through beautiful small roads across the country side to the only restaurant that was open on a Sunday afternoon. How lucky again! Because I didn’t check opening times either. But sometimes one is rewarded when relying on luck only (and Simon’s recommendation): it was delicious Basque cuisine we were being served at l’Auberge du Pas De Vent in a warmhearted and charming environment. Definitely a recommendation I can pass on.

Les piments doux farcis, compotée de légumes d’été infusés au chèvre, tranche d’aubergine confite et salamanqua poêlée… Ah peppers! Seems so Basque to me, and it tasted refreshingly good!

Le charnu de cochon gascon frotté au poivre, confit lentement et pressé d’ail à la crème double… I think I never had slowly cooked pork this way, basically melting on the fork. Quite delicious also with a nice pepper flavour!

The pork came with this cute casserole with plenty of veggies. How could this meal be unhealthy ;)

My friend had a dish of the day which was a nice seafood platter with plenty as you can see.

La canette de la ferme « Lahourie » rôtie en cocotte, gratinée de pommes de verger et jus de canette au Jurançon… is what my other friend had.

Some Rosé to go with it, et voilà, we had enough energy now to resume our trip to San Sebastian.

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