Here are some pictures taken on a rather cloudy day within the vineyards of Forst in the Mittelhaardt.
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Forst is a small winetown located inbetween Wachenheim and Deidesheim. All 3 names are well-known to wine-amateurs.
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The most prestigious single-vineyards in this part of the Weinstrasse are located in Forst though, such as:
Forster Ungeheuer (which means monster, but is actually the name of a historic personality in the region), Forster Pechstein, Forster Jesuitengarten and Forster Kirchenstück.
Of course, the vineyards of Wachenheim and Deidesheim are also top sites, and winemakers would say that it is a question of taste and preference in the end, but still the sites of Forst are the most famous.
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Since we had such a warm spring, the vines are very developped already and winemakers have cut leaves and trimmed some twigs
Estates recognize their parcels within the vineyars with labels or marks on pickets. Here are 2 of the 3 famous B’s from the Pfalz: Bassermann-Jordan and Reichsrat von Buhl, the remaining one is Bürklin-Wolff of course.
detail of the von Buhl emblem