2005 Neckenmarkter Blaufränkisch, Weingut Moric, Burgenland


This is my second encounter with Moric estate from Austria’s Burgenland region. 2 years ago I tasted the 2007 Neckenmarkt Alte Reben at a wine fair in Berlin and it left a positive impression, rather living up to the hype the estate has seen these last years.

Today’s bottle is a 2005 Neckenmarkter, thus different from the one I had since it isn’t stemming from old (Alte Reben) but from younger vines. I snapped it from some kind of wineshop sale event, not knowing if it might be already over-aged or from a weak vintage… Well, I have to admit: I just jumped on a price that seemed low to me. Continue reading

Random Bottles Wine Tasting

Sometimes you just meet up with friends for a wine tasting without having a particular plan or theme. You just start with one bottle and pick the next one according to the moods, the appetites and desires of everyone.
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This was such a tasting:

The 2007 Deidesheimer Grosse Hohl GG by Mosbacher is a powerful Riesling. Vibrant and musculous, yet with enough fruit and a beautiful acidity to balance it. Nice presence and nice length. Able to compete within Germany’s Riesling top league.
Continue reading


Alle 3 Flaschen sind unkomplizierte, aber trotzdem leckere Rotweine die perfekt einen netten Grillabend begleitet haben.
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Wobei die 2 Österreicher mir ein Tick mehr Spaß gemacht haben als der Südfranzose.

2006 Red, Weingut Heinrich, Burgenland Continue reading

German Chardonnay Blindtasting

This past evening we made a blind tasting of German Chardonnays. Chardonnay isn’t of course a typical German variety; it is rather a Burgundian variety, very famous for its Chablis wines.
Since some years, several German winemakers planted Chardonnay and tried to surf on this internationally popular wave.
These last years also, my father and I tried one German Chardonnay and were very convinced. This made us curious of course if there are more such convincing “Chards” growing here. So we decided to organize some more samples and blind taste them in a nice round. Actually this was our first real blind tasting, honouring the name of this blog: a shame it came that late!
So here’s the plot: we had 5 bottles, Continue reading

2003 Zweigelt, Weingut Gernot Heinrich, Burgenland

Vorneweg ein paar Infos zum Wein:
Das Weingut Heinrich liegt im Dorf Gols am Neusiedlersee im österreichischen Burgenland.
Das Weingut gehört laut Hugh Johnsons’ Weinatlas „in Österreich zusammen mit den Weingütern Achs, Nittnaus, Stiegelmar und Umathum zu denen die Jahr für Jahr besseren Rotwein produzieren“
Das Jahr 2003 war wegen seiner relativ frühen Continue reading