Seven Swans Private Restaurant in Frankfurt – In der Welt Zuhause!

In das wohl schmalste Restaurant Frankfurts kommt man, wenn man mit dem scheinbar schmalsten Aufzug der Stadt in den dritten Stock dieses Minihauses direkt am Main fährt. Hier befindet sich das Reich der jungen Köchin Kimberley Unser, die vor kurzem erst vom Gault Millau zur “Entdeckung des Jahres” gekürt wurde und dort -so der Wortlaut des Restaurant-Guides- “essbare Landschaften” kreiert. Read the rest of this entry »

Great Wines Gala in Berlin


A week ago I spontaneously decided to hurry to Berlin on Sunday for attending the “Gala Grosser Weine”, a wine presentation organized by a local wine store where many top German and international winemakers were presenting their products. It was a great event! Out of the German winemakers I already knew many and previously tried their wines at more close by presentations and thus the core attractions to me were big international names like Giacosa, Château Canon, Ridge, Moric or even Château La Nerthe. Can you understand my excitement? Read the rest of this entry »
