Naughty, Naughty Girl!


Just wondering what the marketing guys thought when they launched this brand. Is the strategy based on the presumption that anyone likes a naughty girl? Well, as I said in a previous posting, I’m a taker of funky labels but I didn’t buy that one. Seen in a wineshop in Stellenbosch.
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Categories: South Africa
  1. Omid Tavallai Said,

    There’s a bit of a failure in logic in this branding, as one would normally want the naughty girl to put their mouth on them, but not necessarily vice versa.

  2. Blindtaster Said,

    lol, that’s true! And don’t they deserve better than cheap rosé?

  3. Philipp Said,

    Guess, you don’t know Kalte Muschi then. And whatever they think it tastes like …

  4. Philipp Said,

    PS: “Kalte Muschi” is German for “cold pussy”

  5. Blindtaster Said,

    Haha! Nice one! At least the packaging has a nice look but not sure how they came up with the name.. :P

  6. Canada Said,

    “One Naughty Girl” was an enticing fast paced read. Although there were only a couple,the sex scenes were hot and VERY detailed. Landry is a beautiful, sex craven housewife with an insatiable desire to be penetrated. Her boring and loathesome husband cannot satisfy her needs so she looks for that “good loving” elsewhere.

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